TrustedForm Certification

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TrustedForm Certification


Every lead that we generate includes a TrustedForm Certificate.

TrustedForm is an independent 3d party lead certification authority. 

It certifies several key pieces of information. 

  1. visit date
  2. visit time
  3. time on page
  4. page URL visited
  5. visitor IP address
  6. visitor geographic location
  7. browser
  8. operating system

And perhaps most importantly, it captures a complete video recording of the visitors web session from start to finish. This means that their is a video showing them on the landing page, completing and submitting the form, and confirming their mobile number by entering the code into the text box on the outcome page. 

This certificate protects us and you from any potential CASL (Canadian Anti Spam Legislation) complaints. 

It also provides you with transparency by having the knowledge of exactly how the leads are being generated before being assigned to you. 

Example TrustedForm Certificate


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Updated on 13 June 2022