Order Renewals Policy

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Order Renewals Policy

Last Updated: March 1st, 2023

Lead package orders are billed as a monthly recurring subscription renewed on the same day each month.

While our goal is to always deliver 100% of your previous month’s order before your next renewal, at times conditions will prevent our ability to do so. In that event, we’ll modify your subscription renewal for the upcoming month in a way that minimizes the impact to your anticipated monthly lead flow and cash flow.

FinanceVine will modify subscription renewals when previous month’s orders are not 100% delivered by the renewal date, as follows:

  • 0-20% delivered: subscription renewal skipped back by 1 month. (we’ll skip a month’s renewal to catch up, then go back to a regular monthly pace).
  • 21-80% delivered: partial renewal equivalent to the amount delivered. (we’ll top up your account and work to deliver your normal monthly amount).
  • 80% – 99% delivered: full renewal (we’ll catch up on what’s undelivered & work to deliver the full renewal as normal).

If an order is renewed that does not meet the above terms, you may request a full or partial refund to correct the billing error and we will apply the adjustment.

If or when this policy is updated it will go into effect as of the date it is posted here.

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Updated on 1 March 2023