ROI Measurement & Quarterly Success Calls

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ROI Measurement & Quarterly Success Calls

Quarterly Success Call Preparation:

On our pre-launch call with you your account manager scheduled a recurring quarterly success call that will occur every ~90 days. On this call, your account manager will discuss the data and any feedback you may have. Providing as much data as possible allows FinanceVine to optimize the campaigns and ensure client success. In advance of this call monthly upon order delivery, you will receive the ROI template (editable excel file) in which you can:

  • Fill in the ROAS sheet on ongoing basis
  • Or if using a CRM pull a .csv from your CRM and fill in the most crucial data on the report

The most crucial data is as follows:

Contact Metrics:

  • Contact made with lead (Yes or No)
  • Speed-to-Lead (How quickly was the lead contacted after it was received?)
  • Average number of contact attempts made per lead

Won/Lost Metrics:

  • Deal won or lost (& reason IF lost)
  • Revenue per deal won
  • Deal Type

Timeline Metrics:

  • Date of lead received
  • Date of close
  • Date of application (received, submitted)

If you require an edit access to your ROAS sheet, please email [email protected] and request one.

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Updated on 5 June 2023