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Responding to Forwarded Texts & Emails

3 min read

1. First Impressions Matter:

  • Time is of the essence: Respond to forwarded texts/emails immediately. About 50% of the leads will respond immediately. For the other 50%, wait around an hour if at all possible before reaching out. We do not want to come off as “desperate” or appear that we aren’t busy. 
  • Prioritize these leads: FinanceVine leads have already shown interest and have taken the step of verifying their number. They’re more qualified than a cold lead. 
  • Don’t fall for the trap: Yes, you’ve invested some funds into acquiring this lead. Quite frankly the lead doesn’t care and doesn’t owe us anything nor are we entitled to that sale. The “trap” is subconsciously starting to believe these things. It will alter your approach to the leads in subtle ways that will turn the lead off from working with you. People work with busy experts, not people who are too available.

2. Text like a Pro:

  • Mirror their style: If the lead uses casual language, do the same (within professional boundaries). Put your suit on your tongue, you can loosen a button but you are still wearing a suit.
  • Keep it concise: Respect their time. Get to the point quickly in your texts. People have short attention spans.
  • Use powerful questions: Instead of “Do you have any questions?”, try “What’s the biggest question you have about getting a mortgage right now?” instead of “When are you available for your consultation”, try “Are you available at [a specific time] or [another specific date/time] the binary will force the choice.
  • Professionalism matters: While texting can be more casual, maintain a professional tone in your emails and text messaging at all times.

3. Email Strategically:

  • Don’t just duplicate the text: Your email should add value. Briefly introduce yourself, mention your expertise (especially if it’s relevant to the lead’s situation), and perhaps include a link to a helpful resource. This adds free value and makes you the expert they are looking for.

4. Nail the “Consultation” Pitch:

  • Create urgency: Instead of a generic “Let’s schedule a consultation,” try “I have some time tomorrow afternoon to discuss your mortgage options. Would you be available for a quick call then?”
  • Address their fear of commitment: Reassure them that the consultation is just a conversation to explore their needs, with no obligation.

5. FinanceVine-Specific Tips:

  • Leverage the ROAS sheet: If the ROAS sheet indicates the lead came from a specific campaign or showed interest in a particular loan type, tailor your communication accordingly.
  • Update the ROAS sheet tracking data: Keep the sheet updated with your interactions and the lead’s progress. This helps FinanceVine track overall performance and provide support if needed.

6. Beyond the First Interaction:

  • Be persistent (but not pushy): If you don’t hear back after your initial outreach, follow up once or twice more over the next week. DO NOT LEAVE VOICEMAILS
  • Nurture the relationship: Even if the lead isn’t ready to proceed immediately, stay in touch with occasional helpful information or market updates. Out of sight out of mind
  • Short vs Long Term follow-ups: After making several attempts to contact the lead you should employ a long-term follow-up strategy like an email drip sequence for example. Until we get that “yes” or “no” the lead is open. 

Key Takeaway: Treat FinanceVine leads as high-priority opportunities. By responding quickly, communicating effectively, and leveraging the consultation framework, agents can turn these warm leads into valuable clients.

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